Andrew Coyle

Andrew Coyle

Past startup founder at YC S19

Seed investor, product designer, global macro obsessor — Flexport's first designer, ex-Google, ex-Intuit, ex-YC founder. Working on healthcare technology.

20 action items

Work with product managers effectively

    • The most important aspect is trust and respect for each other's role.

    • Designers and product managers should take time to learn each other's role

      This increases empathy and expands understanding of work tradeoffs and opportunities. The best PMs I have worked with as a designer have had some level of design ability.

    • Understand tradeoffs and opportunity cost

      Good designers want to create beauty in the world, but sometimes things just need to be shipped. Great designers know the difference.

    • Let a natural process emerge

      Try not to force a predefined process onto the relationship. Each individual and context is different. A natural process will emerge once trust is established and there is mutual respect for eachother's role. The soft skills really do matter.... See more

Elevate the perception of design within your company

    • Show the design process and how it connects with other roles. Share user interview insights, personas, journey maps, and wireframes. This will give a glimpse of how design functions within the company.

    • Distill design artifacts into resources that other roles will understand

    • Present the design process to the company

    • Include other roles in design brainstorming and research

    • Expand the role of design: UX is everyone's responsibility

    • Illustrate the impact non-designers have on design outcomes

Lead a brainstorm around branding or rebranding

    • It depends on the stage of the process and what you intend to accomplish. In general, prepare material beforehand including, customer feedback, a competitive audit, company values, and existing brand artifacts. Work with leaders from different parts of the company, especially marketing, product, design, as well as the CEO to define the attributes you think the brand should convey.

    • Show what customers say

      Present the common reoccurring positive attributes customers use to define their experience. Your brand should magnify these virtues. Ideally, you have a list of feedback to draw from. If not, set up some customer calls or surveys to solicit feedback.... See more

    • Examine what the competition does

      How do other related companies or products position themselves? How is your offering different? Preparing a competitive audit that showcases visual style and voice and tone will help guide the discussion.

    • Distill values and feelings

      Brand is the communication of values and associated feelings. What are your internal company values? What is your mission and vision for the future? These artifacts will help form a foundation for discussing brand.

    • Present existing brand artifacts

      Present a brand audit. How does your company or product currently present itself? What feels right and wrong?

    • Ask company leaders what they think the brand should convey

      Ask each participant to describe the feelings, associations, and values they think the company or product conveys. Write each attribute or value proposition down and categorize it. If greater formality or structure is needed, employ a card sorting exercise where participants choose from a set of fixed attributes or allow them to write it down and categorize common patterns.... See more

Build your design system to be consistent, yet flexible

    • I wrote a guide on how to quickly create a design system. It provides the basic considerations to keep in mind.

    • Conduct a design audit

      Taking inventory of your product’s UI illuminates inconsistencies and helps the team understand what currently exists.

    • Define basic design elements

      Design elements are the basic building blocks of a user interface.

    • Define design components

      Design components are functional pieces of a user interface.

    • Define views (screens, pages, compositions)

      Combine elements and components to create views.

    • Include design patterns

      Design patterns consist of common user flows and interactions.

    • Create documentation

      Define the best practices, guiding principles, and implementation examples.


      I created a basic design system in Figma. Feel free to use it in your work.